Apparently, cats aren’t the only ones who love a light pointer! My husband had a bit of fun with one of our adorable rescue Rotties, Cash (aka Johnny Cash), and caught it on video. The source of this red light is not a Light Therapy device but it does bring up a question we hear a lot – what is Light Therapy and how do you know what is, or isn’t, an effective device?

There are so many Light Therapy devices on the market and people frequently ask, “Which one should I choose?”

Further complicating the decision-making process is the terminology used – light therapy, red light therapy, photobiomodulation, laser therapy, cold laser, low level laser – to name a few. It gets very confusing, very quickly. Add in the wide range of prices for various advertised products and it’s almost impossible to make an informed decision with any degree of confidence. That’s where we come in.

Part of our mission is to be a resource for people – to provide credible information, backed by science, to explain how Light Therapy works, and recommend tested, safe, and effective products for use at home.

The products we use in our business, and recommend for in-home application, use LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes), not lasers. Why? Cost is one factor – lasers tend to be much more expensive than LED. Safety is another factor – depending on the device, manufacturer, and knowledge of the user, lasers can be dangerous to use, and can heat up the tissue at the area of application which can be damaging. We’re not saying lasers are bad – they are an incredible technology for surgery, and with the right training, have many other uses in the medical and veterinary world. Another is consideration is access to information and training – without it, how do you know if you’re using your device in a safe and correct manner that will provide the results you desire?

We’re here to answer your questions and help you learn about, and directly experience, the benefits of Light Therapy!

In future blogs and posts we’ll be breaking down and defining terms to help people understand the many facets of PhotoBioModulation, Light Therapy, Photopuncture, and the research behind the incredible benefits for the body and brain – we hope you’ll check back!

For a FREE session, send us an email, or give us a call – helping people and animals is what we do, and what we love!


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