It’s a big word. It does big things.

Modulating the biological processes of the body with light (photons)

Why is this important to us, to you, to our pets? Because it allows us to safely, without side effects, improve function in all systems of the body. Science has proven that certain wavelengths of light cause a biological reaction, at a cellular level, in all almost every living thing. The reaction is currently known to do four primary things: 1. Reduce Pain, 2. Reduce Inflammation, 3. Increase Circulation, and 4. Stimulate Cellular Repair. Think of almost any health condition – arthritis, acne, sore muscles, migraines, aging skin, bruising, poor circulation – and then think of what would be needed to help improve that condition. Would increased blood circulation and a reduction of inflammation help? Absolutely. Would cellular renewal improve skin and stimulate wound-healing? Of course.

We experience pain as a normal response to injury and other factors, which triggers other reactions, and also when our cells aren’t getting enough oxygen and glucose to make energy to modulate the healing process. Application of Light, at the correct wavelengths, can alleviate that pain by releasing Nitric Oxide from the cells, and allowing more oxygen to enter the cell, where it can then be turned into energy. The Nitric Oxide that is released from the cell makes its way into the bloodstream and acts as a vasodilator – meaning it causes the blood vessels to expand and allow increased blood flow. This increased blood flow improves circulation and further reduces inflammation.

We love learning about the body and how it works, and we can share as much, or as little, as you want to know about Light Therapy. Contact us to get a customized therapy for your specific needs and goals.

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