Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to highlight all aspects of the ways Love goes far beyond a day on the calendar.
Since there are many mixed thoughts on the subject of Valentine’s Day, it seems appropriate to throw out the statement of “THAT’s OK!” if you love it, or despise it, or fall somewhere in between with the “ever hopeful” spectrum.
Another reason to bring the subject up, besides the obvious date of February 14th, is to encourage the concept of Love Every Day, instead of simply designating one day inundated with pictures and drawings and pillows, of pink and red hearts on everything.
Chocolate? Yes, Please!
Now, the push for chocolate on February 14, 2023, is hard to see a problem with… I mean, chocolate! Good anytime for any reason, at any age, right?

Love Every Day!
But let’s not stray from the subject… which is—Love Every Day. Meaning, in the true sense of the words stated earlier, Love Every Day. For what it brings – unexpected and expected, there’s always something meaningful about every day, even if it’s simply the fact you got wake up to another one.
The main point of writing about the marked day of February 14th , is that love shows. In your work, in your family, in your animals and pets, in the way you treat others, in the way you view the world, in the way you tend your garden, and most importantly, in the way you love yourself. Oftentimes, when we think of love, it is ourselves that come last in our daily routines and priorities.

Each One of Us is Worth It!
Self-care is now a huge deal, with frequent buzz words, tantalizing product presentations, and other ways to get us to spend money to make ourselves FEEL lovable, and loved.
It wasn’t always the focus to promote taking care of ourselves in the ways that are prevalent now. Not too long ago, self-care was seen as being self-ish, or vain or self-absorbed, and only for the rich or for movie stars or popular personalities. THEY could afford it. THEY had the time. Why, because THEY thought they were worth it. Interesting how that kept the general public focused on those that we perceived led far more glamorous lives than the rest of us. The truth is: each one of us is worth it.
Very worth it.

The beautiful thing about self-care now being in the spotlight as not only acceptable, but vastly important to overall long-term health, is that it isn’t just a thought someone came up with as a good idea; there’s actual medical and scientific proof to back it up.

Love and Light Therapy!
Light Therapy increases circulation and stimulates cellular repair, though one of the lesser known benefits is that it can improve mood, and outlook. Light helps give every cell the energy it needs to do its own job better. This includes producing the hormones and chemicals like Oxytocin, Serotonin, Dopamine, and Endorphins for stronger immune function, and other critical aspects of health and overall sense of well-being.
Love Yourself!
So take a moment to reflect on yourself, and the ways you can choose to Love Yourself Every Day.
Light Therapy is the perfect way to stimulate the Lovin’ feeling for your body, your mind and soul.
You just may find that it also extends to the ways you radiate Love to those around you!
Come in and find out exactly HOW this wonderful therapy works.
We LOVE to talk about it, so schedule your appointment today and experience the way it may improve your viewpoint of what self love feels like!