Renew, Restore, Replenish

Experience Light Therapy!

Open Hours

By Appointment

Monday – Friday 7:30am to 6pm

Saturday 10am to 2pm

We offer Virtual Sessions, as well!

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Relieve Pain at the Source

Inflammatory damage and changes are common in arthritis, autoimmune disease, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury,  lung inflammation and diseases, to mention a few. Light Therapy has been proven time after time to reduce inflammation in these, and many other types of inflammation as well. Pain may be a good messenger, but rarely is it desirable!

Increase Blood Flow

Every organ and every function of the body depends on good circulation and blood flow. Everything from wound healing, lymph efficiency, eye health, healthy skin, hormone production, bone strength, cognitive and neurological activity require it. Light therapy aids every one of these dynamic performers, and so many others.

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Light Therapy is a powerful vasodilator – it increases blood flow not just in arteries, but the finer capillaries, as well. A reduction in inflammation is critical to helping reduce pain and cellular damage.

Poor circulation happens when something interferes with your complex, far-reaching circulatory system that delivers blood, oxygen and nutrients to your entire body. When your heart, veins, arteries, capillaries and other blood vessels are healthy, they can give your cells everything they need in an efficient way. It’s a continuous cycle of bringing oxygen and other necessities to your cells and taking away waste from your cells.

Beautiful Skin is Always In!

The benefits with Red, Near Infrared (NIR) and Blue light therapy are well documented and are quickly becoming known as a non-invasive way to improve skin tone, enhance collagen production, reduce signs of sun damage, and counteract the signs of aging and many other skin ailments such as acne, psoriasis, and scars.

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Safe and Effective for Pets!

What would it mean to make your pet more comfortable? If you could decrease pain and inflammation? Age-related pain, torn ligaments, anxiety, inflammation – we’ve been there. We chose to pursue Light Therapy because we witnessed it work on our pets and animals LOVE the Light! 

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Our journey began with using Light Therapy to help our own pets when we needed an alternative to invasive surgery, and a drug-free alternative to addressing debilitating anxiety. Little did we know at the time that we would be fortunate enough to offer this therapy to others!

The soothing quality of light or laser therapy benefits almost any dog. Additionally, it can give senior dogs better quality of life and improve pain management. By increasing comfort and mobility, these little therapeutic tools can further boost your pet pal’s well-being.

“A recent study of dogs with osteoarthritis revealed that when photobiomodulation therapy was administered, 82% of dogs were able to reduce or discontinue their NSAID use compared to 0% in the placebo group.1″

Our Approach

We are Board Certified Light Therapists using specific wavelengths of light to improve the health of people and animals.  We work together, with you, to discover what you feel is most important for your personal achievement of health.

To Renew, Restore, and Replenish – Your Mind. Your Body. Your Outlook.
Your Energy. Your Expression of Self.

Whether for you, or your pets and loved ones, we provide options and show you ways to apply Light Therapy as an alternative modality to relieve existing pain, develop or restore overall health, and provide the best chance to age as gracefully as possible in every way.  We provide services and education using the most effective, FDA cleared equipment and teach you how to achieve the best results, for life.

Trusted Light Therapy

Tools We Use

LightStim In-Studio

Experience the luxury of Therapeutic Light for your face, neck, chest, and hands! Your skin will appreciate the four different wavelengths of Light working in concert to improve collagen and elastin, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and promote healthy, beautiful skin.

Torch/Hand-Held Device

We love how fast and effective targeted Photopuncture (acupuncture with Light instead of needles) is for shifting the body to a relaxed state, and relieving pain. You may find other torches on the market but this is the one we’ve extensively tested, trust, and use on our clients!

Pad Systems

Pad systems provide “long, low, and slow” light delivery to address pain, inflammation, circulatory issues, and skin health. Our clients love the results, especially for chronic issues. 

Panel Systems

Panels range in size from portable to room-size! If you’re looking to provide the nutrient of Light to large areas of the body quickly, panels are a great option and loved by athletes for muscle recovery and overall wellness.

Handheld for Home Use

Take home the Power of Light therapy! Whether for pain, acne, wrinkles, the LigthStim hand-held devices utilize the same wavelengths of Light as our in-studio equipment but are designed for portability and use at home.

What Customers Are Saying

"After just one treatment..."

I write this testimonial after having some type of irritation occur over a wide area around my lips and chin. The cause is unknown but the irritation had occurred several times over the course of at least a year. Treatment of those occurrences was application of over the counter topical ointments. Clearance of the skin problem occurred after two to three weeks of treatment. This time I used light treatment from Photonic Therapy NW and Light Therapist Lee Grove. After just one treatment the redness was markedly decreased and the itch was gone. This was confirmed by others in my family. After two treatments it would be many hours before irritation would occur. The entire episode was gone in six days. There is no doubt in my mind that light therapy was responsible for the great improvement in recovery time for this skin problem. I will not hesitate to use this form of treatment again and will certainly use the services of Photonic Therapy NW when treatment is needed.


"results after my first 20 minute..."

I have suffered from migraines for years and started getting them more frequently this year after a series of stressful events. In my search for relief I incorporated Light Therapy into my daily health regime. I was pleasantly surprised with immediate results after my first 20 minute session. I continued to use daily with direct treatment to my head and alternated with lymphatic point treatment to help with detoxing.
It took a minute to get the pads situated the first time, but then it was easy to set up after that.
Each time I had more relief and the detoxify affects helped support my nutritional adjustments made to clear out my body. I will definitely use this again for healing and pain.


"invaluable...peace of mind..."

I am so grateful that you have been able to work with Christine and I virtually since the end of April.   You have provided an invaluable service as there are no certified light therapists where we reside in Hawaii, and we now have peace of mind that with your support we can use devices in a proper manner to receive the benefits of light therapy.

When we purchased our first panel through Red Light Company, company guidelines on use of their product was not appropriate for Christine and she was experiencing side effects.  That emphasized the importance of working with a certified light therapist like you.  The rapport you have built with us shows that you truly care, and desire to provide the best service for our needs.  We both have benefited from the light therapy protocol and wellness tips you have recommended, and are pleased with seeing positive results.  You continue to help us through a very challenging time, Christine’s chronic health condition along with my nasty fall.

Through zoom calls with you and Darien, I appreciated the time you spent to patiently explain light therapy so that we have basic understanding.  You have inspired me to learn more so I pursued courses through PTI and am currently working to complete the certified light therapist course.  The knowledge I am gaining through the coursework along with the guidance you provide in hands-on use of the devices for our needs are invaluable.

I am excited to expand the use of light for myself and family, and realizing that with the current limited light pads that will be difficult so I am interested in purchasing more.

– D S

"my skin is incredible!"
I’ve been using red and blue light photobiomodulation daily on my face for 6 weeks and the change in my skin is incredible! I noticed a difference within the first two weeks. This treatment is great for keeping wrinkles at bay and giving your skin a youthful glow. I also used the red light to heal a torn calf muscle. It was healed in one week. I could actually feel the light working during the treatment. Working with Lee has been amazing, I would highly recommend her. She is knowledgeable and really takes a full body approach to health.
"walk without pain..."

Using the red light therapy on my frayed knee meniscus and my failing ankle (no diagnosis) has worked immensely. I’ve used red light therapy on both of my injuries for close to 4 weeks and have seen marked improvement in the ability to walk without pain in my ankle. My knee bends every which way a knee bends, and I can use it in all the ways a knee is used with hardly any pain. Using all of the knowledge Lee has, and working with Lee makes working with light therapy extremely interesting. There’s no question (of many) that she can’t answer. I highly recommend using red light therapy.

"has been a game changer for me..."
I have been living with CRPS (chronic regional pain syndrome) for five years following a simple ankle break that caused extreme pain even after the fracture had healed. CRPS is a rare autoimmune disease that typically develops after an injury that causes pain that is out of proportion to the severity of the initial injury.

I have been to countless doctors and tried many forms of alternative therapy to try to alleviate the excruciating pain which has travelled to my legs, hip and back during unexplained flare ups. I have done acupuncture, physical therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic, neurolink therapy, meditation, and even a biphosphenate treatment in Italy. All of these things help temporarily, but the pain seems to somehow always find a way back to my body, with no apparent correlation to anything in particular that might cause such unusual symptoms.

Several months ago I discovered photobiomodulation, otherwise known as light therapy. I believe it has been a game changer for me both in my pain level and the relaxation and recalibration it provides to my parasympathetic nervous system. Research shows that with CRPS the parasympathetic nervous system tends to somehow get “off track” and sends pain messages even after an injury has healed. Our bodies need red light to heal and restore our cells, and it helps with psychological effects caused by excessive prolonged pain. I can honestly say I have noticed an immediate change in my pain level and mood after receiving a light treatment. The light is cumulative in our bodies so the frequency of sessions is really dependent on the unexplained flare ups. Lee Grove at Photonic Therapy NW is a master at adjusting the settings to work cohesively with my body and mind in accordance to whatever pain level I find myself experiencing. I would highly recommend photobiomodulation for anyone who is suffering from CRPS, or any long term debilitating pain condition. I recommend sticking with it for at least six sessions to give your body time to accumulate the benefits and absorb the light. After that the frequency is dependant on personal pain levels in order to maintain adequate levels of light.
– C R
"thanks from a pleased and satisfied client."
Over the past three months I have experieced great relief from a chronic sinusitis condition by using the torch once each morning for 30 seconds on either side of my nose. Simple as that procedure sounds I have found that after using the torch I can then breathe clear and easy the rest of the day which is remarkable! So thanks from a pleased and satisfied client.
– T A

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